General Resources
- Hanley et al (2003, Generalized Estimating Equations: An Orientation) provide an introduction to GEEs with an emphasis on epidemiological examples. It is designed to be accessible to non-statisticians.
- Horton and Lipsitz (1999, Review of Software to Fit GEE) provide an overview of generalized estimating equations and review several statistical packages (SAS, Stata, SUDAAN, S-Plus). Note that the review took place in 1999. Software has changed. The review does not include the more recent R packages or GENLIN in SPSS.
- Halekoh, Hojsgaard, and Yan (2006, R Package geepack for Generalized Estimating Equations) discuss theory and use of the R package geepack. Hojsgaard (2006) posted a presentation related to the package. Zuur et al (2009) have a book (Chapter 12 is on GEEs) and they provide R code examples using geeglm on their website (see "Chapter12.r").
- There's the gee package. Everitt and Hothorn show an example of using gee.
SPSS Resources
- SPSS provides an outline of the features in GENLIN. At the time of writing GENLIN was available as part of the "Advanced Statistics" add-on module. In my version it shows up under the Analyze - Generalized Linear Models menu.
- SPSS Advanced Models (Chapter 7 of SPSS Advanced Models(tm) - Generalied Estimating Equations): This document goes through in detail the various options that are available in SPSS.
- UCLA has a tutorial on using GENLIN in SPSS
- David Garson discusses the procedure extensively. Discussion is grounded in SPSS.