Jeromy Anglim's Blog: Psychology and Statistics

Jeromy Anglim's Academic Publications

I tend not to update this page very often. For a complete list of my academic publications, see:

Selected publications

Meta-Analyses of Personality

  • Anglim, J., Dunlop, P. D., Wee, S., Horwood, S., Wood, J. K., & Marty, A. (2022). Personality and Intelligence: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 148, 301-336. 
  • Anglim, J., Horwood, S., Smillie, L. D., Marrero, R. J., & Wood, J. K. (2020). Predicting Psychological and Subjective Well-Being from Personality: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 146, 279–323. 


  • Anglim, J., & Grant, S. (2015). Predicting psychological and subjective well-being from personality: incremental prediction from 30 facets over the Big 5. Journal of happiness studies, 17, 59-80. 
  • Anglim, J., Weinberg, M. K., & Cummins, R. A. (2015). Bayesian hierarchical modeling of the temporal dynamics of subjective well-being: A 10 year longitudinal analysis. Journal of research in personality59, 1-14. 
  • Anglim, J. & Horwood, S. (2021). Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Big Five Personality on Subjective and Psychological Well-Being. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 1527-1537. 
  • Grant, S., Langan-Fox, J., & Anglim, J. (2009). Big Five Traits as predictors of subjective and psychological well-being. Psychological Reports, 105(1), 205-231. 


  • Anglim, J., & Grant, S. L. (2014). Incremental criterion prediction of personality facets over factors: obtaining unbiased estimates and confidence intervals. Journal of Research in personality53, 148-157.
  • Anglim, J., Knowles, E., Dunlop, P., & Marty, A. (2017). HEXACO Personality and Schwartz's Personal Values: A Facet-Level Analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 68, 23-31. 
  • Wood, J. K., Anglim, J., & Horwood, S. (2022). A less evaluative measure of big five personality: Comparison of structure and criterion validity. European Journal of Personality, 36, 809-824.
  • Forsyth, L., Anglim, J., March, E., & Bilobrk, B. (2021). Dark Tetrad Personality Traits and the Propensity to Lie Across Multiple Contexts. Personality and Individual Differences, 177, 110792.
  • Anglim, J., Morse, G., Dunlop, P., Minbashian, A., Marty, A. (2020). Predicting Trait Emotional Intelligence from HEXACO Personality: Domains, Facets, and The General Factor of Personality. Journal of Personality. 88, 324-338. 
  • Anglim, J., & O'Connor, P. (2019). Measurement and Research Using the Big Five, HEXACO, and Narrow Traits: A Primer for Researchers and Practitioners. Australian Journal of Psychology, 71, 16-25.

Employee Selection

  • Wood, J. K., Anglim, J., & Horwood, S. (2022). Effect of Job Applicant Faking and Cognitive Ability on Self-Other Agreement and Criterion Validity of Personality Assessments. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 30, 378-391. 
  • Anglim, J., Molloy, K., Dunlop, P. D., Albrecht, S., Lievens, F., & Marty, A. (2022). Values Assessment for Personnel Selection: Comparing Job Applicants to Non-Applicants. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31, 4, 524-536.
  • Forsyth, L., & Anglim, J. (2020). Using Text Analysis Software to Detect Deception in Written Short-Answer Questions in Employee Selection. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28, 236-246.
  • Anglim, J., Sojo, V., Ashford, L. J., Newman, A., & Marty, A. (2019). Predicting Employee Attitudes to Workplace Diversity from Personality, Values, and Cognitive Ability. Journal of Research in Personality, 83, 103865.
  • Anglim, J., Lievens, F., Everton, L., Grant, S. L., Marty, A. (2018). HEXACO Personality Predicts Counterproductive Work Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Low-Stakes and Job Applicant Contexts. Journal of Research in Personality. 77, 11-20. 
  • Amistad, C., Dunlop, P., Ng, R., Anglim, J., & Fells, R. (2018). Personality and Integrative Negotiations: A HEXACO Investigation of Actor, Partner, and Actor-Partner Interaction Effects on Objective and Subjective Outcomes. European Journal of Personality, 32, 427-442
  • Anglim, J., Bozic, S., Little, J., & Lievens, F. (2018). Use of Personality Testing In Medical Student Selection: A Comparison of Broad and Narrow Traits in Non-Applicant and Applicant Samples. Advances in Health Science Education. 23, 311-321. 
  • Anglim, J., Morse, G., De Vries, R, E., MacCann, C. & Marty, A. (2017). Comparing Job Applicants to Non-Applicants Using an Item- Level Bifactor Model on the HEXACO Personality Inventory. European Journal of Personality, 31, 669-684.  
Human performance
  • Wynton, S. K. A., & Anglim, J. (2017). Abrupt Strategy Shifts Underlie Gradual Performance Changes: Hierarchical Bayesian Models of Decomposed Strategy Use. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. (IF:2.8)
  • Anglim, J., & Wynton, S. K. (2015). Hierarchical Bayesian models of subtask learning. Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition, 41(4), 957-974. 
  • Sturre, V., Anglim, J., von Treuer, K., Knight, T., & Walker, A. (2022). Predicting Supervisor and Student Competency Ratings from a Developmental Assessment Center: A Longitudinal Validation Study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 133, 103666. 
  • Anglim, J. K. (2011). Strategies in skill acquisition: reconciling continuous models of the learning curve with abrupt strategy shifts. PhD thesis, Psychological Sciences, The University of Melbourne. DOWNLOAD PAGE or PDF DIRECT