Question and answer sites have been a part of the internet for a long time. However, more recent sites such as typified by the StackExchange Model are improving the situation substantially.
- Results are readily searchable on Google.
- Good answers get voted to the top
- Subscriptions are not required
- Incentives are given to posters to provide good answers
- Questions and answers can be edited and improved
- Community and social networks are facilitated
Forums by Topic
The following are some of my current favourite question and answer sites for various types of questions.
- Cross Validated: A StackExchange site for questions related to statistics and data analysis.
- R Tag on StackOverflow: A good option for anything related to programming in R
- Cross Validated: This is a good option if the question concerns statistical elements of R.
- R Help Mailing List: Another option for asking R related questions.
- SPSSX-L Listserv: An SPSS Mailing list
- Cross Validated: Add the SPSS tag to the question. The question is likely to be better received if it concerns statistics more than it concerns SPSS.
Computers, Non-programming
General Question and Answer Sites
- Quora: Quora is relatively new and is designed to cover any question imaginable.
Psychological Research
- A Cognitive Science StackExchange has been proposed. If this interests you, commit to the proposal.